Latex Bliss Mattresses

talalay latex mattress

Latex Bliss Mattresses

With the rise of latex in the mattress industry in the 2000’s, Latex International (now Talalay Global), one of the two global Talalay latex manufacturers in the world, produced the mattress line called Talalay Latex Bliss.

When Sleeping Organic met Latex Bliss Circa 2009

During the ISPA (International Sleep Products Association) show of 2009 we tested out the Latex Bliss Mattress Line. These were fantastic mattresses and they felt completely different than Dunlop mattresses which were also regaining popularity at the time. Words like cloud, plush and angel food cake floated through the air at international trade show floor where these mattresses were being introduced. The line of mattresses was:

Latex Bliss Mattress Models

  1. The Magnificent
  2. The World’s Best Bed
  3. The Glorious
  4. The Beautiful
  5. The Tranquil
  6. The Glorious Firm
  7. The Tranquil Firm
  8. The Nature
  9. The Indulge

At Sleeping Organic, we stock all the Talalay latex firmness’s.  From X – Soft to Firm. Our Talalay latex mattresses are here. We also carry Talalay toppers which you can view here.

A Talalay Latex Demonstration

We were given a tour to demo all the different latex bliss Talalay mattress models. We were impressed by the pressure point relief and the comfort. Also, the rep showing us the mattresses had demonstration set up. He had a heavy weighted metal ball and a piece of Dunlop latex and a piece of Talalay Latex. He bounced the metal ball on each piece of different latex. When he bounced the ball on the Dunlop latex the ball didn’t bounce at all. The Dunlop absorbed and took the bounce right out of it.  When he bounced the ball on the Talalay latex, the ball bounced and kept bouncing until it lost all momentum. This demonstration really showed the difference between the two different latexes from a different perspective. There is no bounce and less give with Dunlop latex and Talalay latex is bouncier and gives more.

Sleeping Organic Customizes the Talalay Mattress

We were so impressed with the pure latex bliss Talalay mattress that we started to offer it in our mattresses that we sell online. However, we made some modifications to improve the mattress. Here are the modifications we made:

  1. Unglued Talalay Latex Layers – We found that there is plenty of friction between the latex bliss layers to not need to glue the layers together. So, we ditched the glue and this gave the customer the ability to adjust, rotate and move the layers so they could customize the firmness of the mattress after they bought it and slept on it.
  2. Zip Cover – we made the pure Talalay latex bliss mattress completely removable so the customer could unzip the cover and adjust the 3-inch layers of Talalay latex if they desired to change the firmness.
  3. We offered Dunlop Support Layers – we have always strived to keep the prices low on our mattresses because we feel everyone deserves the best sleeping mattress possible. Talalay is more expensive than Dunlop for many reasons but opting for 2 bottom layers of Dunlop foam, customers could still get the benefit of sleeping on Talalay comfort layers while saving money using Dunlop as the support layers.
  4. We ONLY use 3-inch layers of Talalay Bliss – we found that 6-inch Talalay cores are very awkward and hard to move. Latex is heavy! This gave our customers an easier assembly process and took weight off their backs.

Our Customer Experience with Talalay Latex and Talalay Mattresses

We have found over the past 17 years that 80% of customers who either like a soft feeling mattress or are side sleepers prefer the top layer to be Talalay latex at a minimum.