Side Sleeping on a Latex Mattress – Pros and Cons

side sleeper shoulder pain

Can sleeping on your side cause shoulder pain?

Side sleeper shoulder pain can happen from sleeping on your side.  This is also one of the most common sleeping positions. It can be comfortable and many people find it to be the only position that they can sleep in best.

However, sleeping on your side can cause shoulder pain. This happens because when you are lying on your side, the weight of your arm is pressing down on your shoulder joint into a firm mattress surface. This can lead to inflammation, stiffness and pain in the joint which will make it difficult for you to move or perform any kind of activity with that arm.

What are the benefits of sleeping on your side? Sleeping on the left side can help to relieve heartburn and indigestion while sleeping on the right side can help with snoring and sleep apnea.

Sleep on your side, just make sure your mattress is soft enough for your shoulder to get into.

The Pros of Side Sleeping and the Cons of Traditional Sleeping Positions

Side sleeping is not as good for your spine as sleeping on your back. But it has many benefits that make it more desirable than other sleeping positions. Side sleepers are less likely to suffer from heart disease and snoring, but they are also more likely to experience back pain and neck pain.

Where do I put my arms when sleeping on my side?

It’s recommended that you place your arms under your pillow or behind your head. If you’re sleeping with a partner, it’s best to sleep on opposite sides of the bed. This will allow each person to move around more freely while they’re sleeping and not disturb their partner.

What is the Problem with Sleeping on Your Side?

Sleeping on your side can cause a number of problems for your body.

Sleeping on your side can lead to neck pain, arm numbness, and back pain. This is because there is more pressure on the shoulder blade and spine when sleeping on the side as opposed to sleeping on the back.

The increased pressure can cause inflammation and irritation in the joints which leads to pain in other parts of the body.

The best way to avoid these problems is by changing positions while you sleep, trying a softer mattress or by finding the right pillow designed for you as a side sleeper.

What is the Difference Between Back and Side Sleeping?

Side sleeping and back sleeping are preferences. Structurally back sleeping is superior, but side sleeping can be beneficial for digestion, dreaming and comfort.

How do you get rid of shoulder pressure when sleeping?

Some people report a feeling of pressure on their shoulders when they sleep on their side. This is usually because the mattress is too firm or then pillow is too thin.

The best way to get rid of shoulder pressure when sleeping is to try different mattress firmness’s and try different pillows.

How to Sleep on Your Side with Proper Support for a More Comfortable Sleep

A good pillow is important and can make a huge difference when trying to sleep on your side. A pillow should be supportive enough so that it fills the space between your ear, your shoulder and the mattress. And doesn’t create any discomfort in the neck or shoulders.

A good way to get comfortable is to use a pillow under the knees and another one behind the back. If you have chronic shoulder pain, try using a memory foam pillow which will help you maintain a neutral spine while sleeping.

The Negative Effects of a Flat or Firm Mattress on Your Health

The first thing to know about mattresses is that they are not all the same.  Sleeping Organic offers a fully customizable latex mattress for all sleepers.

There are three main types of mattresses:

-Firm mattresses, offer more back support and less movement when you sleep on it. They provide a firmer surface for your body to rest on and are often recommended for people with back problems who like firm mattresses.

-Medium or medium-firm mattresses, offer a balance between comfort and support. These are recommended for people who sleep in multiple positions such as on their stomach or side but also for those who don’t have any particular sleeping preference.

-Soft or soft-medium mattresses, offer less back support and more movement when you sleep on it. People who sleep on their side often prefer these because they can sink their shoulders and hips into the mattress more than with more firm mattresses.

What is a Sleep Study?

A sleep study is a diagnostic test in which a person with sleep-related problems is observed overnight in order to determine the cause of their symptoms.

The main goal of a sleep study can vary but one is to find the root cause of the patient’s sleeping problem so that it can be corrected.

There are various types of sleep studies, depending on the specific needs and symptoms of the patient. For example, if someone has difficulty breathing when they sleep, they might have a Sleep Apnea Study done to diagnose their condition.

If someone has back pain that worsens when they lie down or sit for long periods, they may have a Sleep Position Study done to determine whether their back pain is caused by their sleeping position or something else.  A sleep study is a test done to find out how well someone sleeps.

A sleep study can help diagnose many things, including side sleeper shoulder pain, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy and insomnia.  Sleep studies are usually done in a lab or hospital with special equipment.